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Our girls has just released a remix version of one of their hit songs. Can you guess which is it?

*Drums rolling.

The answer is…

Girls’ Generation!

As you guys most probably know,Girls’ Generation also stands for the following.

1) So Nyuh Shi Dae (Our girls’ group name. I will kill you if you don’t know this.)
2) The girls’ first title song of their first full album.
3) The title of their first full album.

Lee Seung Chul,the original creator of the song,is planning to release a special album on the 3rd of May in celebration of his 25th anniversary since his debut.
It will includes three new songs,followed by remixes of his past songs by the younger generation.

Without any further ado,let’s check out the remix done by our girls!

This definitely bring back memories of the good old sweet time.

Credits : XDDDD30@Youtube.com,allkpop.
Posted by : zheming@snsdkorean.wordpress.com