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Okay so… basically all credits for the article below goes to allkpop.com’s samlet and their sources, our heroes! Click here if you want to go to allkpop directly and get a full coverage of the show, or just scroll down if you want to see our girls!


The first couple of performers were clearly aimed towards the ahjummahs and ajusshis, with the mostly teenage crowd subdued, restless with anticipation for the idol stars to come. When Lee Juk paused and said “So Nyuh Shi Dae Taeyeon“, however, the crowd exploded. The duo performed “Goose’s Dream”, and although Taeyeon’s first low notes were quiet (you can’t see that in the fancam, but mic problems were a pattern for SNSD), once the chorus kicked in, the two really revved up their voices.

Lena Park wowed the crowd with her powerful pipes and brought back the Taeyeon-like screams when she performed Josh Groban’s “You Raise Me Up” with SNSD’s Jessica. The ice princess’s professionalism was impressive, as she sang the song remarkably well even though she could barely hear her own voice due to the audience’s screaming and her fallen-off earpiece.

Then THE group of 2009 so far, SNSD, took the stage as 18,000 throats rained down screams of love. They performed “Girl’s Generation” and “Himnae (Way To Go)” around their ultrahit “Gee”. Thousands of fans crab-walked, perfume-smelled, and drew gees in the air simultaneously with the joyful So Nyuhs. As mentioned before, however, some of the mics did not work so well, and fans were especially disappointed at the limiting of Taeyeon’s usually awesome vocal showcase at the end of Gee.

P.S. Just to add a little personal stamp on this article (since I was at the concert and stayed at the Wilshere Grand with the stars), here’s a picture of Tiffany my friend took one of the times we were alone with her.

And I present to you… Tiffany’s scalp!fany'sscalp

(Credit to Jenny for the Photos)


LOL @ the last part, seriously, Tiffany’s scalp!? This may sound retarded too obsessed, but I plan on treasuring this photo, thank you jenny and samlet!!! Gosh I loved the performances, I spotted MAJOR JeNy moments (BUT I’LL LET MARIA GO ON AND ON ABOU’T THAT) and I LOVED the crowd. You couldn’t really hear it in these vids but they were amazing in the other fancams.

I LOVED how samlet called SNSD THE GROUP of 2009 so far.. ok fine so he said SO FAR, but still! Very nicely termed! I can’t wait for SNSD to make a comeback in the latter half and make it GROUP OF 2009! It would have been nice to see WG come back for latter half of 2009 to see the two best girl groups in korea compete it out but I doubt they are coming back this year due to their wish to breakthrough in America (and other reasons I do not want to say here).

So how have you guys enjoyed the videos?! I actually enjoyed reading the fan meetings and stuff more, it’s soo awesome~~~ to have so many people go gaga over SNSD in ENGLISH.

Ok if cindy and SNSD gets to go to HB next year, so do I! (fat chance >_>) oh and on a sidenote: I’m Anna also in comments -_- stupid wordpress logs me out and I’m too lazy to log back in so I just use the already saved name and email to write comments ROFL i’m so lazy awesome. So yeah I do not have a split personality ;-; just so you know!